who i am and why i am here
(too old to reply)
stephan Beyer
2022-07-14 12:53:02 UTC
so i am disabled person with phonic tics and forced speech. My tics include coprolalia. the repetitive tendency to say shocking offensive superficial statements involuntarily.

western traditional medicine and the capitalist pharmaceutical industry failed me and was abusive. but i have found progress with TMS(tran cranium magnetic stimulation). And with the help of the masonic lodge of Illinois and some local Charities we innovated a new treatment for Tourette's and tic disorders. . ..

i have a tendency to say things bluntly. so my description of TMS is not like how some drs and specialists would. . .
i say its like electroshock but with an MRI magnet coil focused like a laser to target a specific spot in the brain. . . i like to make a joke about it being getting pickle ricked. . . (a joke about a cartoon where a mad scientist pokes the brain of a dead insect to make its limbs move involuntarily [all part of a well justified plot to avoid group therapy;])
my jokes as a patient aside if anyone is struggling with tics or Tourette's i do recommend looking into TMS as an off-label treatment.
growing up with unwanted involuntary speech has given me some insights into the failures of the system and the spiritual nature of humanities challenges. The system pretends to offer assistance but often this is superficial and exploitive. similarly religious institutions have sold out and offer superficial and exploitive answers to today challenges.
transforming the system and society to take care of people who need assistance instead of having them being used as lab rats for big Pharma. . . means challenging the system that profits on people being vulnerable. Similarly on the global scale we see the problem of Palestine. and the forces of east and west offering only superficial aid and exploiting the situation for proxy war between brics and nato. The more people are vulnerable the simpler it is for spy agencies to find useful pawns to do their dirty work for free.
The system likes having vulnerable people to use. . .
medicare is much more focused on getting people dependent on medication than creating treatments that free them from drugs. . .
modern religion does little more than cheerlead for a global east vs west conflict that is destroying the planet.
people of faith and hope need to work together to solve real problems. and learn what issues are superficial and exploitive
stephan Beyer
2022-07-14 13:04:47 UTC