Denis MacEoin, RIP
(too old to reply)
2022-11-02 05:27:47 UTC
There are reports that Denis MacEoin died from complications due to the corona virus earlier this year. Only a single tweet from June has announced this news https://twitter.com/glasgowfoi/status/1537221718900903936. However, bahai Adil Shafipour confirmed this information to Keyvan Yahyai.
Eddie Sengola
2023-05-09 05:07:51 UTC
Post by NUR
There are reports that Denis MacEoin died from complications due to the corona virus earlier this year. Only a single tweet from June has announced this news https://twitter.com/glasgowfoi/status/1537221718900903936. However, bahai Adil Shafipour confirmed this information to Keyvan Yahyai.
May He rest in peace! May the Divine have mercy on him!
Sad to see him after leaving the Baha’i Faith, he started defending the fascist state of Israel.
Many of these Ex-Baha’is end up exposing themselves for who they are.

This applies to you too, Nima. You moved on, from the Baha’i Faith and now you pretend to portray yourself as enlightened person with your new Islamic/Babi cult and yet you side with the EVIL agenda of NATO/Ukraine against Russia. In other word, you side with the USA’s Devilish Unipolar NATO against the Multipolar NWO that is in the making.

If you are now more enlightened than when you were Baha’i, why then, you don’t have spiritual intuitions to grasp the last war humanity is in now, against the current Wall Street Anti-Christ NWO?
One would think as you read the Baha’i Writings in the past, you could have been more knowledgeable of today Geopolitics or at least distinguish the truth from the falsehood or the evil from good but that is not the case.

You claim about the so called Baha’i agents, but I wonder if you are a western agent, yourself.
2023-05-12 06:33:37 UTC
Post by Eddie Sengola
You claim about the so called Baha’i agents, but I wonder if you are a western agent, yourself.
Fuck Putin and fuck Biden and fuck you! Fuck the Eurasianists and fuck the Atlanticists and fuck bahaism! Dumb fucking clueless clueless twat!


In the Name of God the Most Impregnable, the Most Holy, the Most Compassionate of Mercifiers!

O God, O Wrathful! O Compeller! O Overthrower! O One giving Retribution! O Indignant! O Harmer! O Constricter! O Combatant! O Angry! O Rageful! O Smiter! Glorified art Thou, O no other god is there but Thee, the Aid, the Aid, save us from the fire of the devils of Hot Air, O Lord!

O God, curse the people of Hot Air and their allies, those who opposed Thy Cause and denied Thy Revelation; and repudiated Thy conferments; and disobeyed Thy Mirror; and inverted Thy Religion; and distorted the truths of Thy Book; and obstructed Thy ordinances; and revoked Thy obligations and deviated from Thy versical-signs; and murdered Thy witnesses; and befriended Thy enemies; and wrecked Thy Straight Path in the world; and corrupted and debauched Thy righteous servants! Glorified art Thou, O no other god is there but Thee, the Aid, the Aid, save us from the fire of the devils of Hot Air, O Lord!

O Answerer of petitions! O Hearer of the anguishes! O Seer of the sins! O Hinderer of the calamities! O Breaker of the idols! O Pulverizer of the jibts! O Shatterer of the ṭāghūts! O Smasher of the delusions! O Uncoverer of the veils! O Illuminator of the darknesses! O Emblazoner of the truths! O Orienter of the rising dawns! O Tormentor of the criminals! O Annihilator of the deceptions! Glorified art Thou, O no other god is there but Thee, the Aid, the Aid, save us from the fire of the devils of Hot Air, O Lord!

O God, curse them for wrecking the destiny of the Bayān in the hearts of the servants and hoarding away its texts, and violating its right of succession, and annexing its heaven to its earth and its height to its lowest depths; and murdering its innocent witnesses; and defaming its Successor and its Inheritor; and denying His Face and His Light; and associating partners with the Point of the Bayān, we seek the forgiveness of God, the High, the Mighty, and take refuge with the Sovereign Owner of the Day of Judgement! And woe and woe and woe, for O my God, glorified art Thou, O no other god is there but Thee, the Aid, the Aid, save us from the fire of the devils of Hot Air, O Lord!

O God my God, curse them and magnify their guilt, and eternally perpetuate them in the inferno! And what dost thou think is the inferno? No rest and no abatement! Glorified art Thou, O no other god is there but Thee, the Aid, the Aid, save us from the fire of the devils of Hot Air, O Lord!

O God, curse them to the number of the All-Things [i.e. 361], and by all the revealed versical-signs, those who twisted it and abandoned its obligations, and changed its calendrical year; and suspended its ordinances; and its wombs they cut; and its testimonies they withheld; and its testament they neglected; and its faith they transgressed; and its Call they frustrated; and its proof they rejected; and the hoax they perpetrated; and the betrayal they committed; and the obstacles they raised; and the clamour they rolled in; and the fakery they necessitated; and the fidelity they betrayed! Glorified art Thou, O no other god is there but Thee, the Aid, the Aid, save us from the fire of the devils of Hot Air, O Lord!

O God, curse them in hidden secret and outward appearance with a manifold curse - eternally, constantly, perpetually! - in every moment, before every moment and after every moment in every state, before every state and after every state, and curse them in the heavens and the earth and what is between them and what is other than them and what is beyond them with no interruption as to its duration and no end to its number with the morrow as its first; and do not allow its end to them, nor aid or assit them, or their followers or allies, or those who tend to them, or those who rise with their wings [to help them], or those intimate with their words, or those faithful to their rules! Glorified art Thou, O no other god is there but Thee, the Aid, the Aid, save us from the fire of the devils of Hot Air, O Lord!

O God, O Decreer! O All-Just! O Adjudicator! O Giver of judgement! O Divider! O Maker of splits! O Overpowering Subjugator! O All-Intense! O Particularizer! O Speedious! O All-Active! Punish them with a torment from which the people of hellfire will cry for help, and curse them then curse them and then curse them and curse, O God, by a thousand curses to the number of the Invoked Aid [ghīyāth = 1511] all of the Hot Airy ones - the infidels, the associaters, the violators - from before and after, and judge between us and them with justice, O Highest Decreeing Judge of all judges; for, O my God, glorified art Thou, O no other god is there but Thee, the Aid, the Aid, save us from the fire of the devils of Hot Air, O Lord!

And the blessings of God be upon the First Unity in every moment, before every moment and after every moment, and salutations be upon the righteous servants of God, and praise be unto God, the Lord of the worlds! O Truly Real! Amen!


بِسم الله الأمنع الأقدس الأرحم الرّاحمين، اللهمّ يا قهّار يا جبّار يا ثوّار يا جزّاء يا نقّام يا ضرّاء يا قبّاض يا قتّال يا غضّاب يا حنّاق يا ظهّار، سبحانك يا لا إله إلّا انت الغوث الغوث خلّصنا مِن النّار الشّياطين الهباء يا ربّ، اللهمّ العن أهل الهباء ومواليهم الّذين خالفوا أمرك وأنكروا وحيّك وجحدوا إنعامك وعصوا مرآتك وقلبوا دينك وحرفوا حقائق كتابك وعطلوا أحكامك وأبطلوا فرائضك وألحدوا في آياتك وقتلوا شهدائك ووالوا أعداءك وخربوا صراطك المستقيم في الدّنيا وأفسدوا وأفسقوا عبادك المخلصون، سبحانك يا لا إله إلّا انت الغوث الغوث خلّصنا مِن النّار الشّياطين الهباء يا ربّ، يا مجيب الاسترحامات يا سامع الكربات يا بصير الخطيئات يا مانع المصيبات يا كاسر الصنمات يا هاشم الجبوتات يا ساحق الطّاغوتات يا حاطم الموهومات يا كاشف الحجابات يا ناور الظلمات يا نوّار الحقيقات يا شارق الطالعات يا عاذب المجرمات يا مفني المؤتفكات، سبحانك يا لا إله إلّا انت الغوث الغوث خلّصنا مِن النّار الشّياطين الهباء يا ربّ اللهمّ العنهم فقد أخربوا مصير البيان في قلوب العباد وردموا نصوصه ونقضوا نصّه وألحقوا سمائه بِأرضه وعاليه بِسافله وقتلوا شهدائه المظلومون وقذفوا وصيه ووارثه وجحدوا وجهه ونوره وأشركوا بِنقطة البيان نستغفر الله العلي العظيم والعياذ بِمالك يوم الدّين، فويل فويل فويل فيا إلهي سبحانك يا لا إله إلّا انت الغوث الغوث خلّصنا مِن النّار الشّياطين الهباء يا ربّ اللهمّ يا إلهي العنهم فَعَظَمَ ذنبهم وخلدهم في سقر وما أدراك ما سقر لا تبقى ولا تذر، سبحانك يا لا إله إلّا انت الغوث الغوث خلّصنا مِن النّار الشّياطين الهباء يا ربّ اللهمّ العنهم بِعدد الكلّشئ وبِكلّ آيات المنزول أولئك الّذين حرفوها وفريضة تركوها وسنة غيروها وأحكام عطلوها وأرحام قطعوها وشهادات كتموها ووصية ضيعوها وأيمان نكثوها ودعوى أبطلوها وبيّنة أنكروها وحيلة أحدثوها وخيانة أوردوها وعقبة أرتقيوها ودباب دحرجوها وأزياف لزموها وأمانة خانوها، سُبحانك يا لا إله إلّا انت الغوث الغوث خلصنا مِن النّار الشّياطين الهباء يا ربّ، للهمّ العنهم في مكنون السرّ وظاهر العلانية لعنًا كثيرًا أبدًا دائمًا سرمدًا في كلّ حين وقبل حين وبعد حين في كل شأن وقبل شأن وبعد شأن والعنهم في السّماوات والأرض وما بينهمّا وما دونهم و ماورائهم ولا انقطاع لأمده ولا نفاذ لعدده يغدو أوّله ولا يروح آخره لهم ولا عوانهم وأنصارهم ومحبيهم ومواليهم ولمائلين إليهم والنّاهضين بِأجنحتهم ولمقتدين بِكلامهم ومصدقين بِأحكامهم، سبحانك يا لا إله إلّا انت الغوث الغوث خلّصنا مِن النّار الشّياطين الهباء يا ربّ، اللهمّ يا حكّام يا عدّال يا ديّان يا قضّاء يا قسّام يا فلّاق يا غلّاب يا شدّاد يا ذرّاء يا سرّاع يا فعّال عذبهم عذابًا يستغيث منه أهل النّار والعنهم ثُمّ العنهم وثُمّ العنهم والعن يا الله بِألف لعنة وبِعدد الغياث جميع الظالمين الهبائين الكافرين المشركين النّاقضين مِن قبل ومِن بعد واحكم بيننا وبينهم بِالعدل يا أحكم الحاكمين، فيا إلهي سُبحانك يا لا إله إلّا انت الغوث الغوث خلصنا مِن النّار الشّياطين الهباء يا ربّ وصلى الله على واحد الأوّل في كلّ حين وقبل حين وبعد حين والسّلام على العباد الله المخلصين والحمد لله ربّ العالمين يا حقّ آم
Eddie Sengola
2023-05-27 12:53:52 UTC
Your feedback here shows again your lack of spiritual intuition to distinguish the Truth from the Falsehood.
Geopolitically speaking, instead of praying for Putin to pull it off, during this current and final Battle between the current Satanic USA Unipolar NWO and the Multipolar NWO that is in the making, you are insulting him.

Nima, you are as fake as they come! I guess you want to fit in, within the Zionist led Western Marxist world which hates hate Putin with passion, as the fake Marxist Eric Draitser has been doing these days? Never forget that many of these Western Marxists get funding from the George Soros of this world and they never supported Hugo Chavez.

What is good is your Islamic/Babi cult that you have been promoting here, when you think that Zelenski is on the right side of history? I notice you didn’t insult him.
You are not different from Juan Cole. Remember how he was siding with NATO against Libya? Now, you are also siding with the Zionist Globalist led Western (fake) Liberalism and its NATO forces against Putin Russia’s push for the Multipolar NWO.

You need to grasp that this period of history has opened a short window of opportunity to escape hell on earth. A Period that embodies the revolt of the enslaved against the dictatorship of the world of money. A world community that rises up against its executioners, its colonizers and its predators.
2023-05-31 09:55:22 UTC
Go fuck your mother, you fascist coddling turd! You will be dealt with.
Matt Douglas
2023-05-31 13:08:36 UTC
Post by NUR
Go fuck your mother, you fascist coddling turd! You will be dealt with.

As an FSO member, we condemn both NATO and Russia in the Ukraine-Russia war.

You sound like the Democrats or Republicans who accuse 3rd party voters of voting for the other big corporate party. We say fuck both of them.

And fuck you too for attempting to use such fallacious logic to pigeonhole the FSO!