This kind of reply is a rather typical deflection. The fact that "that Israel often attacks Iran Assets in Syria," arises from the fact that Israel is often attacked by those assets, which in the first place, do not belong in Syria. They are there as a forward-deployed aggression, designed in a failed attempt to shield Iran from accountability for its murderous actions against schoolchildren. To then complain that Israel counter-attacks those assets is akin to the bully crying about his victim that, yes, I hit him, but only because he hit me back.
The US position in the Middle-East is weakened by the illegitimate and corrupt Biden administration, which is endangering world peace in Ukraine, Taiwan and across the crescent region, but that does not legitimize the murderous actions of Iran, actions that kill many more Moslems than non-Moslems.
It is tempting to over-simplify, but the fact remains, Israel allows far more freedoms for Moslems in Israel, than those Moslems would enjoy under the rule of Iranian mullahs, or any of the Islamist states.
As I said, Iran government is not a suicidal government. Notice that Israel often attacks Iran Assets in Syria and yet, Iran doesn’t retaliate against Israel even though the Iranians have means to do so.
They don’t want to escalate things as long as Russia protects the Syria government from not being overthrown by Mossad/CIA ISIS mercenaries.
They do know Israel has been trying to conspire for a war against Iran, to also push USA to intervene in the war.
The Iranian leadership values for the most part, reason and logic over religion beliefs when it comes to geopolitics.
Post by BobThe Iranian government is composed of Shiite extremists whose fanaticism is limited only by the laws of physics.
They will stop at nothing to spark the return of the Twelfth Imam.
They believe this requires global chaos.